
>> Monday, November 10, 2008

Dear Friends,

Welcome to my blog!  The intention of this forum is to have an ongoing opportunity for me to share what's coming across my desk, inspirations, ideas, questions, or challenges of Eastern Sun Academy, and to dialogue with all interested parties about such things.  I aim to post to this blog each school day, even if it's only a passing sentence or two. 

Feel free to subscribe to this blog using the links indicated here, which will forward my entries  directly to your e-mail inbox each day.

Today Marti is sick and so I will be filling in for her in the first-second grade class.  I enjoy this opportunity to connect with the class and particularly to explore and deepen the link between the classes and contemplative practice (More about contemplative practice in the days ahead!).   

However...  something has to give today and it will be the first issue of the B r e a t h e, our all-school newsletter.  This will now go out on Wednesday (remember, no school tomorrow on account of Veteran's Day).

One important item in the B r e a t h e will be a parent volunteer survey, which was inspired by our last parent community night.  Julia Hellerman, our volunteer coordinator, has put this together and will start matching people of particular interests and/ or skills with the richness of opportunities that exist for parents to connect here.  Please take a moment to fill it out and return it to Karina's box in the front office by Friday.  Thanks!


Steven Sachs
Head of School
Eastern Sun Academy
6717 South Boulder Rd.
Boulder, CO   80303


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