Fourth Grade Poetry Recital

>> Thursday, November 20, 2008

This morning I had the opportunity to attend part of the Fourth Grade Poetry Recital.  I was very taken by the composure, clarity, and fun these students displayed in reciting their poetry.  I was also touched- as I'm sure were the students- by the number of parents and relatives who came out for this event.  Ms. Dodd told me afterwards that the students are very excited about going further with their poetry writing and performances, so stay tune for more in December!


imfrank November 21, 2008 at 8:31 AM  

The room was willed with "pride" from the mouths of the kids to the hearts of the parents. A big warm thanks to Ms. Dodd for organizing such a rewarding event!

Rich & Demry

imfrank November 21, 2008 at 8:32 AM  

Oops ... make that "filled", not "willed" - although maybe both work.

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