Go; Math and Science Club

>> Wednesday, November 12, 2008

I have been privileged to participate in the first two sessions of our new Math and Science Club, which is being wonderfully and very generously coordinated by Shawna Reininger.  The first two times were spent with Paul Barchilon of the Boulder Go Club (http://bcn.boulder.co.us/recreation/go/bgcresources.shtml ), who taught us the ancient game of Go.  The level of engagement was quite high on both afternoons, and I myself quickly took a liking to it.  It's a beautiful game, full of twists and turns, simple to learn, difficult to master, and we were grateful that Walker was around to help Paul help the rest of us!

We will be moving onto other math and science activities, but I hope we can keep going with Go.  It feels like a great game for our school!  If any student would like to play, I'll have a board in my office and we can schedule a time.  The Math and Science Club is for third and fourth graders, but I know there are some first and second graders (and maybe even kindergartners!) who know how to play Go, or who are interested in learning.  If that's your son or daughter, let's set up a time to play!

There's also a wonderful interactive web-site that takes you step-by-step through the game:

I know Shawna could use a hand with the Math and Science Club.  If you have any ideas, people resources, or can help out one Thursday, please see her or send her an e-mail (shawnareininger@indra.com).  If each of us helps as much as we can, the total help will be "exponential"!


Steven Sachs
Head of School
Eastern Sun Academy
6717 South Boulder Rd.
Boulder, CO   80303


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