Social Plasticity

>> Monday, February 23, 2009

I've recently been reading The Joy of Living: Unlocking the Secret & Science of Happiness by Mingyur Rinpoche.  This is a great read- a New York Times bestseller- about how Tibetan Buddhism and Western Science have uncovered the same truths of the phenomenal world and basic human existence.  In one part he talks about neuronal plasticity, that we can create new patterns of cellular connection influencing how we respond to our experience.  And similarly, by stepping from a fear-based reaction (through actually experiencing our fear without so much aversion) into a more open space, we can start unlocking the door to creativity, inspiration, and joy.

I saw three different students today play with different groups of peers that I hadn't seen them play with before.  I wondered if there was any connection between the three, since it seemed like such a coincidence!  This felt like social plasticity, where students feel good enough about themselves as well as good enough about others and the container holding them, that they can connect with an expanded group of friends.  Are these the first inner and outer steps to what Albert Einstein called "the widening circle of compassion embracing all living beings and all of nature"?


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