My Blog is Back

>> Friday, February 20, 2009

Dear Friends,

My blog is back, after taking an extended vacation.  I heard from quite a few of you that you appreciated the daily connections with ESA, and so I'm starting up again.  

I've decided that the focus of my blogs will largely be how the vision of ESA is manifesting itself in the particulars of our school.  I have asked the faculty and staff to share what they are experiencing in this way, and these I will also include here.

Some of you have told me that you hadn't received the daily link to the blog, even though you are a subscriber.  If you find that this is the case, please let me know and we'll see what we can do.

Yesterday I started having tea with each and every student at ESA.  They are signing up to meet with me, either by themselves or in groups of 2, 3, 4, or 5.  It's up to them and even that process is interesting!  The purpose of this time is for us to be together, enjoy a cup of tea, and to speak and listen to each other. As one of our school agreement says, "Listen deeply and speak your truth."



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