Sounds of Silence

>> Wednesday, March 18, 2009

The third graders are getting ready for their Rites of Passage Ceremony, which takes place tomorrow.  One of the pre-ceremony activities we do is for each student to write about an experience during the RItes Class that spoke to them.  (these offerings will be brought together as a poem and read at the ceremony).  We did this last Thursday morning during Rites class itself, and we always have one or more fourth graders join us during these classes to serve as mentors. While the third graders worked on their lines for the poem, I asked the three fourth graders (and one third grader who had just joined the class) to write about silence.  Here is what they wrote:

Silent time for me is a time of slowing down and taking a break of noise and a time to be in my own world.

What I Think of SIlence
It gives you time to relax.
It gives you the time to be with yourself.
It gives you the time to just have a moment.
It gives you time to have a time to have a moment to not have constant entertainment.

Silence is cool lemonade on a warm summer day.
Silence is ice cream soft and savored.

S i l e n t.
I n c r e d i b l e.
L ?
E v e n   b r e a t h i n g.
N o t h i n g n e s s.
C a l m
E ?


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